Using gns3-converter

Convert old ini-style GNS3 topologies (<=0.8.7) to the newer version 1+ JSON format

usage: gns3-converter [-h] [--version] [-n NAME] [-o OUTPUT] [--debug]
Positional arguments:
topology GNS3 .net topology file (default:
--version show program’s version number and exit
-n, --name Topology name (default uses the name of the old project directory)
-o, --output Output directory
--debug=False Enable debugging output


By default the converted topology will be output to the current working directory.

To convert a topology from the folder containing the file just type:


Alternatively you can specify a topology file to convert on the command line:

gns3-converter ~/GNS3/Projects/CCNA_1/

If the relevant configs are also present alongside the topology file these will be copied to the new topology and renamed accordingly.

If you wish to output the converted topology to a different destination this can be done using the -o or –output argument like this:

gns3-converter -o ../output


gns3-converter --output ../output

The name of the converted topology is taken from the folder containing the topology file. For example a topology in ~/GNS3/Projects/CCNA_1/ will be named CCNA_1.

It is also possible to specify a name for the new topology using the -n or –name in the same way as specifying the output directory.